# CgEditorLayout
A Layout Editor to design a stage with display objects and physics objects.
This editor support offcial [CgEvent System](/edit/CgEventsLib).
## Authors
# Changelog (CgEditorLayout)
## [v3.2.0](/view/CgEditorLayout/3.2.0) (2024-07-09)
#### Changed
- compiled in ES6
## [v3.1.0](/view/CgEditorLayout/3.1.0) (2023-04-15)
#### Added
- add text options: resolution/lineJoin
#### Fixed bugs:
- color parsing error
## [v3.0.3](/view/CgEditorLayout/3.0.3) (2021-09-02)
#### Fixed bugs:
- fix gaf resource changes caused exception when createInitObjects
## [v3.0.1](/view/CgEditorLayout/3.0.1) (2020-09-20)
#### Fixed bugs:
- alpha/visible of DisplayObject settings resets in some situations.
## [v3.0.0](/view/CgEditorLayout/3.0.0) (2020-08-20)
#### Changed
- Support Base major update. No changes inside this lib.
## [v2.2.7](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.2.7) (2020-07-10)
#### Fixed bugs:
- fix some translation
- groupIndex of fixture should be able to be negative
## [v2.2.4](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.2.4) (2019-08-12)
#### Fixed bugs:
- text style labels were not translated
## [v2.2.2](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.2.2) (2019-07-25)
#### Changed
- displayObject add width/height controllers to change scale
- interface now using CG.Base.translate to handle i18n
## [v2.2.1](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.2.1) (2019-07-14)
#### Added
- add cursor position info panel
#### Fixed bugs:
- fix cursor is not able to move outside of stage.
## [v2.1.30](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.1.30) (2019-07-11)
#### Changed
- default physics body type to dynamic
## [v2.1.29](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.1.29) (2019-07-02)
#### Fixed bugs:
- CGApp is now a local variable in Base, we need to use overwriteAppResource to add other project resources
## [v2.1.27](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.1.27) (2019-06-10)
#### Changed
- rebuild to get benefits from new CG app engine
## [v2.1.26](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.1.26) (2019-05-02)
#### Added
- add rotate/scale/move functions and buttons
#### Fixed bugs:
- improve string input style
## [v2.1.21](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.1.21) (2019-04-30)
#### Fixed bugs:
- fix fixture position only sync one way to controller.
## [v2.1.20](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.1.20) (2019-04-27)
#### Fixed bugs:
- add translation on physicsBodyType options
## [v2.1.18](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.1.18) (2019-04-12)
#### Fixed bugs:
- fix physics debug draw did not follow stage when stage is panned.
## [v2.1.17](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.1.17) (2019-03-24)
#### Fixed bugs:
- fix some boolean fields turns to 0/1 when import after export.
- fix some translations
## [v2.1.16](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.1.16) (2019-01-01)
#### Fixed bugs:
- fix css ObjectItem
## [v2.1.15](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.1.15) (2018-12-29)
#### Fixed bugs:
- fix css for .dg.oneRow with checkBoxes
## [v2.1.12](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.1.12) (2018-12-27)
#### Added
- support drag and drop from asset list to stage
- add play/loop/autoRemove on animation clips
## [v2.1.11](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.1.11) (2018-12-19)
#### Added
- add stage zooming buttons
#### Fixed bugs:
- correct index when convert sprite to tilingsprite
## [v2.1.9](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.1.9) (2018-11-10)
#### Fixed bugs:
- stage hitarea was not fullscreen
## [v2.1.8](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.1.8) (2018-11-06)
#### Added
- support GifSprite
#### Fixed bugs:
- import json doesnt sync currentFrame on gif/gaf/ssanim
## [v2.1.5](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.1.5) (2018-11-05)
#### Changed
- improve readonly display styles
#### Fixed bugs:
- fix GUI tilingSprite > tileingRect folders exception
- fix drag to reorder displayObject to bottom exception
- fix DisplayGaf not refresh gui when linkage changes
## [v2.1.2](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.1.2) (2018-10-29)
#### Fixed bugs:
- fix positioning when converti8ng sprite to tilingSprite
- fix object list not updated when removing object
## [v2.1.1](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.1.1) (2018-10-24)
#### Added
- add TilingSprite
## [v2.0.5](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.0.5) (2018-09-01)
#### Added
- add joint property translations
- add display of joint anchors
## [v2.0.1](/view/CgEditorLayout/2.0.1) (2018-08-20)
#### Added
- add physics joint creation
## [v1.2.1](/view/CgEditorLayout/1.2.2) (2018-08-10)
#### Changed
- change physicsObject property 'name' to 'physicsId'
- change displayObject property 'displayId' to 'id'
- generate displayId with parent hierarchy for referencing
## [v1.1.7](/view/CgEditorLayout/1.1.7) (2018-08-08)
#### Added
- add create display shape polygon/chain, and shape converters
- add checkbox toggle debugDraw
## [v1.0.0](/view/CgEditorLayout/1.0.0) (2018-08-05)
#### Added
- merge physicsEditor
## [v0.4.4](/view/CgEditorLayout/0.4.4) (2018-08-01)
#### Fixed bugs:
- DisplayObject not disposed properly.
- Stage rect was shifted 10,10
## [v0.4.2](/view/CgEditorLayout/0.4.2) (2018-07-28)
#### Added
- add fullscreen toggle button
- add support creating shapes
- add support animation initial frames
#### Fixed bugs:
- bug fix: GAF/SpriteSheet MovieClips were not able to be created.
## [v0.2.3](/view/CgEditorLayout/0.2.3) (2018-07-21)
#### Fixed bugs:
- fix bug: init create object from non-exist resource alias
## [v0.2.2](/view/CgEditorLayout/0.2.2) (2018-07-13)
#### Changed
- use grab cursor when dragging sprites
## [v0.2.1](/view/CgEditorLayout/0.2.1) (2018-07-10)
#### Added
- support TextField
- support alpha, visible, anchor, tint
## [v0.0.11](/view/CgEditorLayout/0.0.11) (2018-06-16)
#### Changed
- change json schema, objects=>children, name=>displayId
## [v0.0.10](/view/CgEditorLayout/0.0.10) (2018-06-12)
#### Added
- add edit alpha
- add edit visible
## [v0.0.3](/view/CgEditorLayout/0.0.3) (2018-06-08)
#### Added
- be able to make the editor readonly
## [v0.0.2](/view/CgEditorLayout/0.0.1) (2018-06-04)
#### Added
- first build